Thursday, April 21, 2011

Girl Interrupted

I just watched Girl Interrupted starred by Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie on Youtube. That movie got me because it's about a girl who was sent in a mental institute because she's different. That was set in Woodstock year (60's) and so the social structure in America was very stereotypical. Susanna's (played by Winona) only plan after graduation was to be a writer and she noted that she didn't want to be like her mother. She was sent to Claymoore, it's basically an asylum that looks like a vacation place to girls who suffers from different kinds of mental disorder. All her inmates were obviously suffered by disorders and fortunately she became friends with them.

Basically, the movie is about finding oneself. Susanna was not insane and so were some of the girls there. It's just that the world was sent them there. And yes, they may not be really insane but they need to be there to cure and make them feel better.

Okay so I don't really feel like criticizing or making a review about the movie because it's not my intention of writing this post. I just want to let my thoughts out cos I might forget it if I don't write it now. That movie reminds me of a friend of mine who told me that I have a disorder. Well, she said that in jest but that actually punched me. And why did she say that?

So the story goes like this, that friend of mine hates the way I dress. She thinks I'm "baduy" or have no sense of fashion because she loves to dress a lot. And she thinks that her style is very glamorous. Well, seriously, I also don't like the way she dresses up but I don't say it to her because we have different taste. So most of the time she always attacks my outfits and I always let it go because I understand the way she thinks.

But one morning she made a real impact to me by telling me that she thinks I have a disorder and that I'm weird because of the way I dress, the things I like, etc. And of course, I didn't say anything about it and just laugh at it. But deep inside, I was hurt. I even wrote it in my notebook. That was the scariest remark I've ever received. Your friend telling you that you have a disorder is not good.

So I was like asking myself, was she right? How do you consider if a person has a disorder? By her style, music? What is wrong with the world? We are all different and God has planned it. And so what if I'm like this or like that? Telling someone he/she has a disorder is not cool simply because he/she is different or not like you. The society sets standard but not every one follows. I am not angry but I'm just sad cos I know I can't even do something about it. :/