You grieve without a reason?
Or you really know the reason behind it but you can't accept it again!
Acceptance is difficult. In eighteen years of existence in this drastic world, I am still in search for an answer why I find accepting difficult. Sometimes you told yourself that you are ready for every thing. Good or bad? No one can tell, but you assure yourself you are ready. And you are! Yes you are ready! And you accepted it in exchange of loneliness again and frustrations.
Today reality checked in and it was full of dissapointments. I will never forget this date that will surely marked the history of my existence. It's like you were walking elegantly in tons of people and you suddenly fell down because your eyes were totally focus into something that fascinated you so much. You fell hard. And your ass was in extreme pain but despite of those physical aches, you hurriedly stood up. You don't want those people located in yours noticed it to avoid seeing ridiculous and obnoxious reactions. You want them to be oblivious in that incident. And you think no one really noticed it so you still walked with your chin up. You were aware that the thing you were fascinated and stunned that you can't took your eyes off could be the cause of something embarassing in front of public like falling down. But simply because your eyes were stagnant in amazement, you ignored the possibilities that your mind was telling you. And now you felt glad and told yourself that it was a funny experience. Your ass was still in pain because you fell hard but at the back of your mind you're thankful. Why? Because there is no blood, no wound, so there will be no scar soon. Just a memory and an experience that you could laugh your hearts out when you got older. A simple ambiguous incident.
Fixation into something is somehow good, because it increases the level of your appreciation. But if it is too much, it is no good. When you have faith in God and you know what you are doing. He will let you experience the things that make your heart feels good even though both of you knows its erroneous. The feeling of completeness is erratic like us. We live temporarily in this world and soon we will die. No one could change that because death is inevitable. So whether you are fixated into evil things, God always reminding you in the consequences you will get when you pursue it. But when you ignore it, He's still at your side guiding you in silence. Before things got complicated, He will save you. Yes He will. Believe me. So when you are in pain or difficulty, thank God because you were saved again. So keep your faith alive and save your grief into the real one.
And now, you maybe saying that I fail to endear my message again. Well that is not my problem anymore. This kind of posting keeps me protected from angels and demons. LOL :))