Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter 11: Becoming Best Friends with God

"Since we were restored to friendship with God by the death of his son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eternal punishment by his life."
Romans 5:10 (NLT)

God wants to be your best friend!

I love this chapter because God is already my best friend ever since I started praying to him. Almighty God yearns to be your friend, too! Well, before I thought I was the only one considering him as my best friend but I was wrong. Now best friends know each other. So it's unfair that it is only God who knows everything about us. As God's best friend, we ought to know every thing about him, too! He deeply desires that we know him intimately and with all our hearts.

It is our privilege to be God's best friend. Now, how on earth can we do it? And it's through constant conversation with him. Say everything to him! Don't be shy! Even if it's a complain about your appearance or circumstances, you give it to him. Best friends are true to each other and ready to punch you verbally between the eyes when needed. God wants to be part in every activity we do. And another is through continual meditation. Meditation is thinking about God's word over and over in our minds. And of course, we should share it to other people. God doesn't like to keep your friendship with him secret. He wants the whole world to know! :)

Note to God:

Hi best friend! You know you're my best friend ever since! Thanks for keeping me accompany every seconds of my life. You're always there for me. And I feel ashame every time I forget you. But you know, I always talk to you. And you're the only one who knows the real me and you accept me and that's the precious things I've ever received in my life. Having you as my best friend is awesome! I love you best friend! :)