Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chapter 5: Seeing Life from God's View

"What is your life?"
James 4: 14b (NIV)

The way you see your life shapes your life.

In this chapter, I've learned about the "life metaphor" or the view of life that consciously or unconsciously affects our way of life. It determines how we see things through our expectations, values, relationships, goals and priorities.

The Bible says," Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God."

My two friends were actually arguing about this stuff a couple of weeks back. I told them that a person could not easily change because of his environment and "Change yourself first" is just a myth. If a person truly wants not to be a product of his environment then he should at least let the people understand they need to change for better. And of course, my friends were opposing that idea. They said, if I really want to change, I should do it with myself and I don't need to mind other people. I have to admit that I lost that verbal sword fencing because they're and I'm only one. Or maybe they're right, I am a conformist. Haha!

Anyway, this chapter talks about how life works in the eyes of God. It says, "Life is a test, life is a trust, and life is a temporary assignment". I love that line. And I know from the start how important for us to understand the tests of life and God. We are always being tested in different situation. God is testing us for Him to see how we act in tough times especially when we can't feel His presence. That happens most of the time to people. And sometimes, we believe that God doesn't exist at all but we often miss the idea that God is just testing us. People should keep in mind that God's test makes reward in eternity.

Another things is that "Life on earth is a trust". This chapter reminds us that all the things that we have right now is God's gift to us. From our energy to intelligence to relationship to appearance and resources. So we should take good care of it. Now, if we exceed the limit of those gifts God have given, we should not boast about it because it is not really ours. They just lend it for us in a while and soon other people would make use of it. Especially when it comes to finances, God test us in that area in most times. The moment we become responsible in His given resources, He will trust us to the riches of heaven.

Note to God:

Thank you so much for reminding me that all I have is actually all yours. I know I'm gifted in some areas and sometimes I can't help but to boast about it. Thanks to this chapter for reminding me that this is not really mine and it's yours. Now I have to be extra careful in using it, as much as possible I should use it in a good way. And another, Lord, I pray that you should help me deal with finances because I know you know I'm not good at that. I love you so much! :)