”No trophy, no promotion, no pleasure, no possession will ever hold a candle to the thrill we feel when God uses us to touch another human life for eternity.”
Bill Hybels
This year, God has answered one of my important prayers and that is to use me to bring women back to Him. Last weekend, one of them publicly declared her faith as a follower of Jesus during the Victory Weekend. It was my very first time to facilitate a participant. I couldn't help but to thank Jesus every minute of that event for using me as an instrument in the advancement of His Kingdom.
I attended VW August last year, so sitting beside the one I brought there was refreshing to me. In the afternoon, the leaders and facilitators were asked for a quick meeting about how to do the ministry time. While I was listening to the pastor, God has revealed an open door from my past through the Holy Spirit that needed to be shut on that day. It was weird because I never thought about it! It was a scary revelation from the past!
And so, after that I prayed really hard and had shut the door. However, I had command from Him that I needed to open it to someone and so I did it.
Phew! That was heavy and it could pass through my generation.
Thank You, Father!
Thank You, Jesus!
Thank You, Holy Spirit!
For flash-lighting the stuff hidden from my past that was being used by the enemy to tick me off sometimes.
Thank You, God! Thank You! <3