Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mid-year Prayer&Fasting2012 + God's Timing

Happy Mid-year of 2012!!

And this week, we had Mid-year Prayer & Fasting for three days! Yes, that was short compare last January. :-D

I participated for the second time this year for two reasons. 

FIRST, I was called to fast last February. I really knew I needed to do so. However, due to being disobedient and too much procrastination, I didn't do! :-D

And FINALLY, I need to hear God's voice crystal clear! I want to get thirsty for Him! I want to seek His face more!!! I want to live by the Spirit and get filled! I want to be fueled by His love. :-)

As I was fasting and having my quiet time in a coffee shop, I checked the Prayer&Fasting guide I used last January. At the second to the last page, I wrote there all my the things and breakthroughs I'm believing God for the rest of the year. 

We are in the middle of the year, right? And guess how faithful our Heavenly Father is?! Only one prayer haven't answered yet.. which means almost all my prayers got answered in the span of six months!!!!!!!

I really hate that I didn't get to notice it! One reason is due to the busyness of life and the problems and circumstances it brings everyday! But really, WOW! I really could not believe what my eyes had seen! 

One of the things I listed there was the salvation of my family, which was the most important. I remember the days and nights, I would lift up their names to the Lord for their salvation and that they would experience the same love I'm experiencing from God. There were times when I wanted to give up but God's Word and people were there to remind me that His promises are real.

And guess what?! It's true! God's promises are real and He hears us because my whole family has been attending church for one month straight! YES, even my father that I was scared to invite because I thought he's know-it-all when it comes to Christianity. FYI He actually wants to get connected now to grow deeper with His relationship with God. How awesome is that, isn't it? 

SO, if you're believing God for the salvation of your family and friends, just hold on and be patient because GOD answers.. in His right timing. :-)


God's timing is always perfect!

God could have answered my prayer last year or last last year when I started lifting my family up to Him, but why just last month?

I believe because He loves us so much that He doesn't want us to go back from the way we used to be. As human beings (even Christians), let's admit it, we are too impatient! Yes, as Christians, we say we live by faith. But that doesn't work all the time! We are too impatient and wants everything to work in the way we see it.  

There were times when I became too impatient though I know there's a purpose why God put me in this family. However, I didn't give up praying for them, they were even one of the reasons why I fasted in the start of the year. 

God could have answered my prayer about my family's salvation when I was being too impatient just to please me that time that He's a good father so I could praise and worship Him with all my heart. However, He has plans and He wants me to know that who He is in my eyes doesn't end there! That there is more and more greater things to discover about Him and experience from Him.

I received a bad news last month. My client for 1 1/2 year informed me that she doesn't need my service anymore due to the slowness of her business. I was speechless and didn't know how to react because I wasn't expecting that news.

I prayed and talked to God and said this,

"What is really happening? Why now when everything looks fine. I don't get nervous with handling my tasks anymore and my income is already calculated for the tithes, obligation to my family and pledge I'm gonna give to the new building for the church for the rest of the year? I thought I want to start a business for an extra income? Plus, I've reached out people in this work place and trying to reach out more. Why are You getting this from me? I know Your plans are good, pleasing and perfect and this job is not forever BUT WHY SO SOON?"

After praying and asking that, I felt a massive relief in my heart. I've got an answer in a very lightning speed. And that is, He's going to use me somewhere else. :-) 
Anyway, it's not my purpose to work there, it's His, remember? I'm actually getting excited on what He's in store for me. 

I believe God has answered my prayer for my family just last month because it was really the perfect time! 

And He, answering that prayer in this season of my life makes me rejoice in His goodness and power more and more! If He got to answer the most important prayer in my life, how much more the new work or career for me? :-)

You see, it's all about FAITH! 

And I also understand why God is intruding in my life at present.

Sometimes, we get to be super comfortable from where we are because it's too convenient to us. It's too convenient that we don't want to leave and just stay there without realizing that He has better plans for us! And the only way to get to that plan work is to leave that we don't wanna do because it's too comfy and SO, He's taking us OUT. He takes us out from our comfort zone to use us for His glory! :-)