Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wounds in the Mind

Learning is one of the best things that God has given to human beings. Learning is the beginning of every thing. Learning makes the world moving and changing. That is the reason why I'm so in-love with school, not just because of the things I've learned academically and intellectually but also because of the limitless experience that jazzed up my lightning bolt.

So, in my first year in college, I felt very blessed to the extent of thinking that I was one of the luckiest human beings on earth who has given a chance to expand knowledge.

In my first two years in college, my mind was equated that no matter what happens I should be graduated on March 2010. I remind myself gazillion times that I need to finish my degree on time because I'm my parent's last hope. I was sent to school to be their savior in the future, to give them a better life. And I accepted the challenge. I studied, learned new things and had fun at the same time. In the next two years, college life turned to be more eye-popping. My mind was intoxicated by intellectual thoughts that changed my life's course of action and beliefs. I started to love film making and writing. I considered the two as my personal legends. I learned the power of freedom and choice. I learned that every thing that happens in life has nothing to do with fate but with our choices. My eyes were opened to the fact that we are all humans that cannot live in eternity, so we must do all the things we want if we really want it.

And so, I succeeded, I am now a degree holder. I am no longer a student, I have now my own students from different race and language. I don't listen to my teachers or professors now, but instead my Korean students are the ones listening to me. Every thing is different, but still difficult.

Difficult because I have a painful wound in my mind. I feel dismay every time reality checks in, that I'm earning now not just for myself and my dreams. I may sound selfish, but seriously, I'm not. I'm just confused of choosing what to map out. My obligation or my personal legends. I am wounded because aside from my situation, it makes me sad every time I think about the ugliest truth in my life at present, and that is LEARNING IS AN OBLIGATION of every human alive, it would never be a choice.

I'm suffering at the right moment because my greatest fear is to die not achieving all the things I want all my life. Again, we don't live in eternity, so we humans should not waste time and do all the things we want! However, I should be thankful on the other hand because imagine if I wasn't sent to school, do you think I can discover these personal legends I'm calling right now? I doubt.

Oh Life is really... i don't know?! Tough? But one thing is for sure, I love living my life despite of these difficulties and sufferings. :))