Thursday, April 9, 2015


I was about to write about my sorrow and questions to God. Or maybe about my complaints and spectacular impatience BUT God led me back to this video:

This is one of the videos I am not tired re-watching. Perhaps it's because I often have this kind of conversation with God. And if these guys were able to do a video like this, it means I am not alone in this world conversing with Him like that.

Some insights I got after re-watching it:

1. We want to be molded into Christ image BUT we despise the process.

Perhaps, one of my favorite things I pray is for God to help me become patient. But then, when trials come where my patience is truly tested, I despise it big time. I pray for the trials to go away or for things to change quickly without even realizing that I prayed for patience in the first place. Which makes me think now that most of the time, I don't really know the things I am praying for. Or maybe, some of my prayers are too contradicting.

Just like in this video, he wants to be what God has created Him to be but because the process is too painful, he keeps making excuses and even trying to stop the chiseling.

Every created thing has stages or goes through a series of process. A process is there to make things beautiful. If you skip the process, you will not be functional as you are created to be.

2. God answers our questions through series of questions.

This is the best thing about my God. I am an ENTP, so, I love arguments and to learn from conversations. During my quiet time or random conversation with Him, I would raise shallow questions (normally when I'm too impatient or hurt) and He would really answer them through series of questions which would lead me to "Aha" moments. 

Also, I find this kind of thing very very effective when it comes to discipling or even just listening to my friends circumstances. Most of the time, we know exactly what a person needs when he tells us what he's going through. Sometimes he'd even ask us to tell him what he needs to do but asking questions is always better. We don't just help the person to get his answer on his own, we help them to think.

I always preach this to myself and other people say that I tend to over-think. But I don't mind, thinking is really good. Or probably because my personality is more of a thinker rather than a feeler. But anyway, thinking is really good especially if you're in the middle of a challenging situation. When we become too emotional, we don't think, our emotions fog us. And so, it leads us to make unwise decisions which we later on resent. 

3. We have no idea about the real definition of SACRIFICE.

I've told you this post is not supposed to be like this. I was about to write about the things I've been sacrificing for people and even for God. Like wow.. Really, Carla? You complain about the small amount you feel you are obliged to give to your family since you started working without realizing the support, love and care they've been giving you from the beginning. You rant how your parents just can't make ways to support you and not even think that soon you will be building your own family without even realizing the efforts and sacrifices they had to do in order for them to give you a happy and complete family, And the list goes on.. 

I always complain about those things to God and worst, I feel entitled of  His blessings and favors. But how many of us talk about sacrifice without knowing what we are really talking about. If there's ONE who has the right to define it, it's none other than Him. Hello?

Well, that's all It's 12:37 AM here and I have to admit that I missed writing here. :)