Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Doing What is Good?

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. (Titus 3:1-8 NIV)

While I was reading that part, I couldn't help but to complain how difficult it is to do! 
One of the things that is truly hard to develop is a Christ-like character. Of course, we all know that we are all works in progress. However, we are called to keep doing what is good as a follower of Jesus. And it is not a suggestion, it is a comand to do good.

Sure, it is easy to be good and nice when those people around you are treating you the same way but to be good to people who are making fun of your faith and persecuting you? Hmmmm... I'm pretty sure you already have in your mind the what I'm going to say.

While I'm being tempted to justify my point behind it, this verse popped in my mind.

If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. Luke 6:32 

Awww! After being reminded of that verse, it feels like I don't want to finish this post anymore! And the quoted Scripture above is true, we are all "at one time" like them, actually until now, there are really times! I'm speaking only for myself, I don't know about you. 

But yes, Lord! I need more grace from you to continue doing what is good and to be salt & light everyday! Give me more patience, Lord. Give me. Thank YOU! :-)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

JUNK: Feeling Better Christian Than Others

Most people say that I don't sound my age. In short, they think I'm mature. They say I can negotiate with different kinds of people, decide independently and there's an authority when I speak that you would really want to listen to what I say. And I believe them. :-)

I've been surrounded with Bible-believing Christians for two years now and their company is something that I am thankful for. I've been learning a lot from them and they've been learning a lot from me as well. I've been getting a lot of praises from others and thank yous because of my faith. And how they admire me because of my passion for Jesus. 

I am happy for the encouragements and inspirations they get from me. It is a privilege to be used by God to other people's lives, isn't it? However, the enemy should always play his role and get busy turn things around the way it shouldn't be.

I love human praises, I believe it's one of the most basic desires of every human alive. Before it sounds okay to be flattered as long as I don't get all the credit because it is the Holy Spirit who is obviously behind it. But as I started examining my heart, I know that there's a big chunk of superiority growing into it.

I feel like I'm more intellectual than other Christians when it comes to studying the Scripture. I feel like some are not wise enough to make decisions. I feel like I deserve more blessings than them because I'm exerting more efforts and the list goes on.

Those feelings suck! I suck actually. 
Such a junk I have in my heart!

I feel like I know everything even if I don't.. But I'm glad that God makes me realized these things! One sign that He loves me so much that He is more concern in my character than how others see me.

FEELING BETTER is one of the most annoying moves of Satan to hit us! He wants us to be like him.. self-righteous and to be idols of our own selves! But thanks be to God that He didn't let me swim to that dirty pool of I'am-better-Christian mindset through the Holy Spirit. :-)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A letter to Blogger :>

Hi Blogger,

It's been awhile. Forgive me for not writing for a long time. I'd like to say that I've been very very busy with life but I don't want to lie.

Life has been a never-ending test this year. I thought I was prepared for it but I was wrong. I keep on failing! Please don't get me wrong, I don't rely on my own strength, I know I cannot do things on my own. It just sucks to be a disappointment to your own self.

The truth is, I hate tests! In fact, I have never been really good at tests. If there is a board exam in my field of study, I am pretty sure I won't pass, thank goodness there's none! However, I know life is a series of tests especially if you have faith. And it's funny, especially when you keep preaching that to others and yet, you can't even pass one.

The tests overwhelm me and every time I fail, I can hear ugly voices telling me how loser and mess I am. It has been easy for me to understand that I go through seasons of life but it has been hard to respond in the right way. It's been a battle of the flesh and spirit. I've been very very unstable. 

I can feel that the world was eating me whole and alive. There were nights when I couldn't sleep thinking of the old version of me. Wanting to go back for a while thinking that maybe they are right, I am being too extreme. 

BUT His arms are too strong hugging me so tight, He won't let me go. Reminding me not go back in the old ways and that I am not finished yet. Calling me His princess with a royal blood, so, it is no good for me to eat stuff from the garbage or even just to stay in that place. Encouraging me that He will finish the good work He has started in me and making me assure that I am 100% loved and accepted because of what He did 2000 years ago. 

He has never fail to comfort me when there is no one around to do so. Not only that, His comfort is so powerful that He also uses me to comfort others. His love is so big that makes my faithless soul thirsts for it. I cannot imagine my existence without Him.

Though there are times when I feel exiled and just want to immediately go to the home He has promised, His Spirit is too strong reminding me to wait and finish the tasks He has assigned to me.

This is a little short compare to the many months I abandoned you but I promise that I will make it up to you very very soon. 

Thank you for the time and I miss you!

The loved & found,