Saturday, December 18, 2010

Road to Nowhere

For the past few months, frustrations are eating my heart out every time I dream up of all the things I know I should be doing in my life. You see, I am very anxious to reach my dreams. However, depressions burst in thinking how things stack up and it sucks cos I can't do something about it. It's like your status quo plays dead in making your dreams come true.

Until I met this girl . .

She has round eyes and pointed nose. Her features are almost perfect inside and out. I've never heard her disparage other woman. Her personality reflects her life, simple and contented. However, at the age of twenty-two hearing that she's still uncertain what she really wants in life truly breaks my heart. I always ask her about it and even force her to think of anything she wants to achieve but unfortunately. she couldn't think of anything except to have job that would pay for her bills.

My heart is in doldrums hearing her story. I really feel bad about her and for myself at the same time. Why? Because I always feel depress and complain a lot for not doing what I should be doing in life. Without realizing that instead of complaining I should be very thankful that at least I know what I really want in life. I have directions to follow and walk through. I might get lost but if I get a map to follow I still know where I'm heading.

It is actually amazing thinking there's people like her in this world. I know she's not alone. There are thousands or even millions of people who feels the same way as she does. Just like me, I know I am not alone in this world who gets frustrated simply because I can't do the things that I love. WE ARE GAZILLIONS! :)

SO . . .
Whoever you are.
Wherever you are.