Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lies hurt.. NOT the truth!

When I was in college, I kept telling myself that the idea of "truth hurts" was really true. I lived by that idea. However, when I was walking on my way home earlier, I've realized that it's actually the other way around!


We think that truth hurts us because our hearts are filled with lies. We've known or accepted the lies, first, that's why we're in pain when reality checks in.

I was having a deep thought about my emotions lately and I couldn't help but to figure out what's causing this. I know that my heart is deceitful, nasty and corrupt! That's one great explanation.

Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

That's why we need to GUARD it and ask God to change it!

However, while having an introspection about my emotions, I couldn't help but to dig old memories to sort out why I'm having this nasty feeling. Alright, you might be asking me, "how nasty is that to waste time figuring it out?", right? Actually, I think it's kinda normal because I'm pretty sure other people feel this way, too.

Who loves to feel stupid and idiot all the time? No one, right? Exactly! However, in my case since college, I've known one of my weaknesses was looking stupid and weak (this blog can prove) which has changed when God has given me a new heart and spirit.

At present, I don't see them as my weaknesses anymore but for some reason, I still feel a little hurt when I'm feeling stupid. Guess what? I found why!

WHY? Because there were some lies in my heart about myself that I haven't fully surrendered to GOD.

What are those?
... that I am smart (I AM NOT! I'm not even capable of following instructions in a lightning speed duhh?!)
... that I am impressive (I AM NOT! Feeling ko lang.. cos I'm not a typical lady, they say!)
... that I am open-minded (I AM NOT! I say, I understand but I judge in my mind sometimes!)
... that I am creative (I AM NOT! Most of my designs are crap and always needs to revise!)
... that I am talented (AM I NOT? If yes, in what area, then? See? I can't even answer!)
... that I am humble (Do I need to add up to this?)
... that I am contented (HELLO?! I'm insecure in some areas of my life and self!)

I THOUGHT I SURRENDERED EVERYTHING TO GOD but I haven't yet! I was blinded with those lies  since I started making decisions.

And you know what, while writing this, I suddenly remember our discussion in my Training for Victory class two weeks ago about repentance. There were questions in there that I noted because I was thinking of my own answer to those questions. That time, all I could think were superficial answers. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for bringing up the questions now! Here are the questions:

*What area of your life is God asking you to change at this moment?
*What are the lies you believed that made change difficult?
*What is the new truth that God wants you to believe so that you can have victory?

And now, I think I have answers to them straight from my heart. :)

Number 1? Being emotional and tend to feel down every time I face up my weaknesses.. feeling stupid moments! What are the lies? Scroll up! Answer to the last question? FIX MY EYES ON HIM AND SEE PROBLEMS IN DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE!

I believed those lies and not surrendered it because I was arrogant! I always say, I depend on God but not in all areas! I still do some things on my own, unconsciously!

The TRUTHS are..
... I AM STUPID and needs to exercise my brain every day!
... I AM UNHAPPY in some areas of my life despite of all things that Christ has done for me!

I am hurt sometimes because I haven't surrendered these things to GOD. I tend to rely on my own strength and ability sometimes. Those truths are true, that's why they're truth! I am very imperfect but I am loved by a perfect GOD! Yes, despite of me, and not just me, even you! Don't you just love that truth? :)

You see, I took up the repentance two weeks ago BUT the Holy Spirit just spoke to me today.

LIES hurt us.. not the truth! It actually paralyzed us.. SO, we should identify the lies we've been believing in order for us to appreciate the lightness of truth. Why do we need to identify? Can't we just jump to the truth and embrace it? NO! If the lies cannot be identified then the truth cannot be placed inside! :)

Father God,

You are amazing! Realizing these things makes me love You more and more! I surrender all the lies in my heart, so I can fully trust in You. Forgive me for just surrendering them now. Thank You for loving me in spite or me and despite of me. Keep transforming me with Your truth. Guard and lead my heart because I am powerless and I can't do this on my own.

In Jesus name I pray,
