Friday, January 20, 2012

Passion Forever

After graduating college, I knew in my mind that there's a desire in my heart to go back to school and learn more. Of course, I knew long before I thought of it that true learning cannot be just found inside the institution. But as an avid learner, there's this amazing joy in my heart every time I study or learn something. So, when I started working, I was praying really hard that God would make a way for me to get back to school. I said, I was praying really hard because it is impossible in my situation to send myself back to school because I'm a bread winner in my family. That time I was thinking of getting a masters degree because I think studying a film course is not a practical idea, I would surely go back from the scratch. Unlike if it's a communication course there's a chance that I could teach in the future and make it as a profession. 

So, the desire of learning and getting back to school stays in my heart and still keeping that in my prayers SOMETIMES. Sometimes because in this season of my life where I've been enjoying the relationship I have with God, I usually forget the stuff that I've been praying. It is because my prayers are unlimited (YES, because I serve a big and great GOD, remember?) and there are some people asking me to pray for them (which is way way more important) OR maybe it's just I really have a weak memory that's why I forget my own prayers, Well, anyway, despite of being forgetful, God has been making ways for me to remember those by answering them one by one! :)

In our church, there's this thing called Training for Victory. It's a ten-week discipleship course for believers who wish to grow their walk with God. After finishing Victory Weekend last August, I know that there is a desire in my heart to get into that course but for some reason, I wasn't able to tell it to my lifegroup leader. Though she didn't know that I love to deepen my faith more, she asked me to attend the Making Disciples training the next month and so, I did! After that training, I know that time that I already have the extreme desire to join the Training for Victory class. 

Praise GOD there's one this January, so, I enrolled! I actually had my first class last Wednesday night. And it was really awesome meeting new classmates and new Christian friends. I just really love my new school and new course that I'm learning that gives my course of life a brand new meaning.

While I was listening to my class, I realized that it's another answered prayer, to get back to school! It may not be exactly the thing that I had in mind or I prayed for because it is actually much greater! Yes, I have a great passion for art and film BUT after the day I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I know deep down that I have more passion for Him than anything else. And right now, I just can't help but to be grateful that God has been answering my prayers one by one according to His will. 


He could financially bless me for me to get myself back to school studying masters degree or film making because He is able BUT studying those would not complete me or satisfy me. In fact, those passions could lead me to frustration or confusion. Unlike being Him as my passion, I know I'm secured because I know that He would never frustrate me. :)

FYI I'm not saying that I don't have passion for art and film anymore or I'm abandoning them. I still have them here <3!  :) It's more like I'm WAITING for God's perfect time and action. I know He's been preparing me for that time.. The time that I would not just do the things that I care about but to glorify Him at the same time. And so, I trust His plans.. cos His plans are PERFECT! :)

Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.
Psalm 37:7

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11