Friday, January 13, 2012

Prayer & Fasting 2012

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."
Joshua 3:5

AND I am proud to say that I STARTED MY 2012 JUST RIGHT! :)

Every year my church is doing Prayer & Fasting for 7 days in the first month of the year. I participated for the first time! I chose one meal a day since I can't be really really hungry at work but next year I will surely be choosing the liquid fast. :)

So there, that seven days were pretty amazing (though others think it's rough and ridiculous)! In the end, God has revealed one of the greatest revelations I need to know in life and that is, ONLY HIM CAN STRENGTHEN ALL OF US! It is not the food that we store up in our bodies BUT Him. Also, I've gone to my church for 7 days to attend prayer meetings. Attending those prayer meetings was not mandatory but helpful. We prayed for the youth, Filipino family, all nations, Philippines, Church, leaders and our breakthrough. Honestly, it was actually the first time I had a heartfelt prayer to my own nation. Prayer & Fasting was really life changing!

BUT fasting was not easy for me (esp it was my first time) even if my body was prepared to do it. The first two days of the fast made my stomach shout out for food. I woke up for two days shaking while reading the Bible. I felt like my body was drained that made me seek God more to fill me in. It made me go hungry not just for food but for HIM. And on the fourth day, I started getting used of eating just one meal and not feeling really really hungry (just hungry now :D) at all but on that day, my faith was also tested. While I was waiting for the prayer meeting to start, I started to feel cold. My energy got really really low to the point that I was aware that I did a shallow and unauthentic worship. Yes, I lifted my hands while singing but I knew deep down that there was something distracting me from worshiping Him with all my heart. My insecurities  and the worries were eating me up while I was inside the church praising and worshiping GOD! Good job, enemy! And then, the pastor who preached that night pierced my heart and soul with his message. I thank God for reviving my spirit in a very lightning speed that night. Sorry enemy! :P 

Then, the next day, I thought the enemy was finished from distracting me but I was totally wrong! This time, he used a person to tick me off. My co-worker made fun of my conviction. I didn't lose my temper, of course, but I knew that I was pissed. I hate when someone is making fun of Jesus and saying that they're lucky because they're not believers. So, I asked two people to pray for me and that God would increase my patience and faith. I know God doesn't like me respond to the enemy's trap that way. Obviously, the enemy was tempting me to verbally punch between the eyes my co-worker. And you know how awesome God is? He used my friend (the one I asked to pray for me) to remind me when Jesus fasted and tempted by the devil. (Matthew 4:1-11)

You see, when we fast and consecrate ourselves to the world it does not mean that the enemy could not touch us anymore. In fact, it makes us prone to that enemy! He doesn't like the idea that you're fasting for God. That you are living by the Spirit, for you know that in the end God will do amazing things for you. He doesn't like when you seek God and when your faith is increasing. He hates it! That's why he's doing and using people to distract you. That's he's job, so be on guard! 

Satan's move is very recognizable cos he's been using it from the beginning.. TEMPTATION. Well, of course, while fasting, I was also tempted to eat a lot of food and made me really crave for my favorite ones! @___@ BUT I am proud to say that I won over the enemy and it's all because of God's amazing Spirit! :)

Seven days is just one week but it made me love Jesus more! 
It made me depend on Him more and continuously seek His presence.
I would never regret that I gave up what my flesh was craving in exchange of something greater, which is JESUS! And right now, I just can't help but smile, grateful and praise Jesus more and more because of the fulfillment of His promises. I've been praying for a lot of things to the point that I even forget most of those. But you know what's cool? Because God is making ways for me to remember those forgotten prayers by answering them one by one! Don't you just love God? He's so sweet and I love HIM forever and ever! <3