Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I watched Wall-E with my 7 y/o nephew last night for the first time. Thanks to the free movie stream online! :) It was my nephew's second time to watch, so it was like I paid for a hyper storyteller last night. 

I love the movie big time! First, because Wall-E is cute and all the other robots! I'm not a fan of animated films but this one really got me because of some details that caught my attention. I'm not sure what the writer of this film was trying to convey but this movie can be interpreted in so many ways. I don't like writing my own version of summary here since there are tons on google if you look at. So, instead let me just write here the things that really captured my attention.

I find some parts of this film biblical. :) And here they are: 

1. A desire to be in a relationship.

Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) is a lonely robot whose task is compacting all the garbage on earth while all the human have fled in a luxury spaceship in the outer space living with the robots. And yes, it tells the possible disturbing future of this planet. He has been alone (but there's one tiny cockroach following him always) and doing his duty on earth for almost 700 years! His life has been revolving with the massive human waste, compacting garbage all over and over, collecting some odd pieces of thrash and store it to his little home. Though he never grew tired with his task, you can see his loneliness. Until he meets EVE (Extra-Terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator) sent from the outer space to report signs of living on earth. 

This reminds me of Adam and Eve. From the beginning of God's creation to the seventh day, He saw everything He created was good except when He created man. God first created Adam and He even let Adam name all the creatures God has made.  HOWEVER,

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Genesis 2:18

And God created a woman from Adam's rib he had taken out and brought it to him. 

Just like in the movie, a female robot from the outer space was sent to earth to accompany Wall-E. God knows that a man living alone is not good that's why relationship matters to God and He wants us to have a relationship here on earth. That's the reason why Wall-E became really really sad when Eve stopped working. Wall-E has done everything to make his robot friend work because he has found real companionship through Eve. You see, a desire to be in a relationship is God's given desire. Yes, He desires relationship for you and me. :) And the most important relationship that we should have while we are here on earth is an everlasting relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

2. A desire to come back home.

Human have fled in a luxury space ship living their lives in there for almost 700 years! It seriously scared me! Because it is possible to happen to human beings especially when it is obvious that we can't live today without technology! Man become obese and losing the bones of their bodies because they become too lazy. What they do all day is to sit around, sleep, eat, drink and just waiting to be served with all their needs by the fancy robots. This picture looks so terrible! We are being operated by machines instead of us operating them! OH NO! And the captain has found out about the plant from the earth which means they can go back already. The captain has no idea what it's like living on earth since he was born from that luxury space. The robot in the captain's office has shown him the earth and the awesome lifestyle of human beings on that planet. And so, the captain desired to go back home and start living the real life.

In here, I see the luxury spaceship(temporary home) as the EARTH and earth(home) as the HEAVEN. As a children of God, we are long for a home where we can be with our true family. Life here on earth is just a big dress rehearsal and the real show is in eternity with out Heavenly Father. As a follower of Christ, we know that there's more to life than here and now and so we look forward to something greater.

..He has planted eternity in the human heart..
Ecclesiastes 3:11

PS. Thank you Yngwie for helping me out with this! Such a smart little nephew I have here! :)