Saturday, November 20, 2010


Alright so I deactivated my Facebook account for good.
I didn't tell anyone what I did cos I don't want my friends there to notice it.
And for sure I might end up explaining to 800+ people why the hell I've done that.
I just said it here cos I know no one's gonna fucking read this blog.
But anyway, my Tumblr, Twitter, Friendster, Multiply, YM and this Blogger are still active.

What's the reason?
Well, let's put it this way, I got fed up checking out the news feed where I got interested with other people lives even if I don't want to.
Facebook was a little destructive.
I should have done this a couple months ago, but I was afraid that I'm gonna be left out if I deactivated it so I stayed.
But then now I already made up my mind.

That's the first reason.
Second, there is a friend of mine who I've been feeling insecure for a couple of months now because I'm seeing myself in her.
I hate the fact that she is very sociable and I know there's nothing wrong with that.
But I hate the fact that she's bragging who she's hanging with every weekend through her lame statuses just to look cool.
Oh damn why am I saying this?
I hate myself for hating her, but I need to release it here because obviously I can't verbally punch her nor bitch her out to our circle.
And yes, I know this second reason is shallow.

And last reason!
Recently, I added independent film makers in the industry (and I don't even know some of them) just to get updated on the latest film competition.
So I ended up viewing their profiles and photo albums.
And of course, I got jealous because they're already doing what they love.
And I'm talking about those people who's not just coming to a film screening so that they could brag something on Facebook, they're exhibiting their own films or supporting their co-film makers.
And I feel so bad that I'm not like them. And sometimes, I feel like I can't be like them forever that I will suffer from this pain until the last day of my life.
And I know that's so EMO. lol

Well anyway, I said I just deactivated my Facebook.
Meaning I can still access it whenever I want to.

That's the strange thing about Facebook, they will never delete your account.
They want you to live in this online world forever. :)