Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints.

"Death is a transition.
Death is an opportunity.
Death is a precious event."
- Pastor's Preaching

Death scares a lot of people especially when we're still in the process of exploring our world. Well, actually for me life is a never-ending process of exploration. Anyway, who wants to die young, right? And that scares me big time. Dying without achieving anything.

Lately, my mind was messed up with languishing thoughts and it got exasperated too with all the things around me. Well you can actually see how morbid my mind was in my last post by saying I was just like waiting for someone to take away my life. I was dreary and totally down in dumps.

Then, last Tuesday I was out with my guy friends to bond with cup of coffee. We were planning to do some projects just to at least nurture some of our talents and skills. When I was about to leave, one of my guy friend and I talked about death. And I asked him if he's scared to die and he said no. And of course, I asked why and he said because for him death is enlightment. And I thought for a while and agreed.

And he is so right.
Just think about how hard it is to live in this goddam world.
You need to do everything to survive, you need to conform (even if it's killing you), you need to live with the standards of all the people around you, you need to follow all the things that the society have been perpetuated and a whole lot more.

I always search for answers and try to understand everything by studying different theories and observing my surroundings and yet I can't even get a simple answer to everything. I thought I need a bunch of peanuts in order to answer those mind bugling questions. But then, maybe I can't get those answers simply because I'm still alive.

And so when the Pastor talked about death last night, my mind was fixed up with the essence of death. But that doesn't mean that I'm ready to face God Almighty, of course I'm not yet ready. I just feel so celestial because all the languish thoughts vanished because of the preaching I heard last night.

I feel better now.
And still, I keep praying for me to achieve happiness and to cherish my relationship with God.
That would not happen in just a snap but at least I know to myself that I'm giving my best shots.

I love you Lord. :)