Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 7 : The Reason for Everything

"Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory."
Romans 11 : 36 (LB)

It's all for him.
Without God's glory, there would be nothing.

So those are the first two sentences in this chapter, but before we make way of understanding the phrases let's try to discuss what glory means. I really don't know what that is until I read this chapter. Glory, as it explain in this chapter is who God is. It is the essence of this nature, weight of his importance, the radiance of his splendor the demonstration of his power, and the atmosphere of his presence. It is the expression of his goodness and all his other intrinsic, eternal qualities. Now you might be asking where the glory of God is. Is it inside the church or in heaven? The answer is, everything created by God reflects his glory is some way. As it says, creation reveals our Creator's glory.

The Bible says, "The heavens declare the glory of God".

Jesus Christ is the first instrument of God's glory. Without him, we are still in the dark of what God is really like. Jesus is the light of the world that illuminates God's nature. He came here on earth to fully understand the glory of God. Now, as human being created by God we are all commanded to recognize, honor, declare, praise and reflect his glory. God deserves it! We owe him every honor and recognition of all the glory. If we can praise other human beings with all their amazing things he made in this world, then why not do the same thing to God?

As it says in this chapter, living for God's glory is the greatest achievement we can accomplish with our lives. When anything in creation fulfills its purpose, it brings glory to God.

Now, how can we do that?

First, we need to understand that through worshiping, we bring glory to God. That is our first responsibility to God. Worship is a lifestyle of enjoying God, loving him, and giving ourselves to be used for his purposes. When we use our lives for God's glory, everything we do can become an act of worship. Second, loving other believers bring glory to God. It is our responsibility to learn how to love as God does, because God is love, and it honors him. Third, we bring God glory by becoming like Christ. The more we develop Christ like character, the more we will bring glory to God. God wants to continue the process of changing our characters until our last breath of earth. Fourth, we bring God glory by serving others with our gifts. Remember, each of us was uniquely designed by God with talents, skills and abilities. We are all wired to be like this, it is not an accident or because of heredity. Now, God doesn't want us to use it in selfish purposes. They were given to benefit others, just as others were given abilities for your benefit. And lastly, we bring glory to God by telling other people about him. That's why don't laugh on people who share biblical passages or quotes about God because it's one way of giving glory to Him. And besides, God doesn't want his love and purposes kept a secret. Once we know the truth, he expects us to share it with others.

God will give us what we need if we will just make the choice to live for him. He wants us to fulfill the purposes he made for us and it is the only way to live. Everything else is just existing, all we need to do is receive and believe.

Note to God:

I want to follow all the steps to give you glory but honestly, I'm having a hard time doing it all at the same time. But don't worry because I am trying to do it all just to give glory to you. I hope you understand that changing once character is not as easy as some people think. I cannot change in a very lightning speed especially if my environment plays a huge noise in making it impossible. But I know you don't miss any detail of my life and you know exactly what I'm doing to continue the process of changing my character. I know you understand me, Lord. Thank you so much for being understanding. You deserve all the glory! I love you.